最小費用流アルゴリズムを実装したときの verify に
頂点数 、辺数 のフローコストネットワークが与えられる。 番目の辺は頂点 から頂点 へ張られていて、容量は 、単位流量あたりのコストは である。
頂点 を始点、頂点 を終点とした流量 のフローの最小コストを求めよ。ただし、流量 のフローを流せない場合は -1 と出力せよ。
ここでは、ごく普通の Primal-Dual 法を実装した。最大流の値を としたとき、計算量は となる。
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // edge class (for network-flow) template<class FLOWTYPE, class COSTTYPE> struct FlowCostEdge { // core members int rev, from, to; FLOWTYPE cap, icap, flow; COSTTYPE cost; // constructor FlowCostEdge(int rev, int from, int to, FLOWTYPE cap, COSTTYPE cost) : rev(rev), from(from), to(to), cap(cap), icap(cap), flow(0), cost(cost) {} void reset() { cap = icap, flow = 0; } // debug friend ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const FlowCostEdge& e) { return s << e.from << " -> " << e.to << " (" << e.flow << "/" << e.icap << ", " << e.cost << ")"; } }; // graph class (for network-flow) template<class FLOWTYPE, class COSTTYPE> struct FlowCostGraph { // core members vector<vector<FlowCostEdge<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE>>> list; vector<pair<int,int>> pos; // pos[i] := {vertex, order of list[vertex]} of i-th edge // constructor FlowCostGraph(int n = 0) : list(n) { } void init(int n = 0) { list.assign(n, FlowCostEdge<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE>()); pos.clear(); } // getter vector<FlowCostEdge<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE>> &operator [] (int i) { return list[i]; } const vector<FlowCostEdge<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE>> &operator [] (int i) const { return list[i]; } size_t size() const { return list.size(); } FlowCostEdge<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE> &get_rev_edge (const FlowCostEdge<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE> &e) { if (e.from != e.to) return list[e.to][e.rev]; else return list[e.to][e.rev + 1]; } FlowCostEdge<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE> &get_edge(int i) { return list[pos[i].first][pos[i].second]; } const FlowCostEdge<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE> &get_edge(int i) const { return list[pos[i].first][pos[i].second]; } vector<FlowCostEdge<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE>> get_edges() const { vector<FlowCostEdge<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE>> edges; for (int i = 0; i < (int)pos.size(); ++i) { edges.push_back(get_edge(i)); } return edges; } // change edges void reset() { for (int i = 0; i < (int)list.size(); ++i) { for (FlowCostEdge<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE> &e : list[i]) e.reset(); } } // add_edge void add_edge(int from, int to, FLOWTYPE cap, COSTTYPE cost) { pos.emplace_back(from, (int)list[from].size()); list[from].push_back(FlowCostEdge<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE> ((int)list[to].size(), from, to, cap, cost)); list[to].push_back(FlowCostEdge<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE> ((int)list[from].size() - 1, to, from, 0, -cost)); } // debug friend ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const FlowCostGraph &G) { const auto &edges = G.get_edges(); for (const auto &e : edges) s << e << endl; return s; } }; // min-cost max-flow (<= limit_flow), slope ver. template<class FLOWTYPE, class COSTTYPE> vector<pair<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE>> MinCostFlowSlope(FlowCostGraph<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE> &G, int S, int T, FLOWTYPE limit_flow) { // result values FLOWTYPE cur_flow = 0; COSTTYPE cur_cost = 0, pre_cost = -1; vector<pair<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE>> res; res.emplace_back(cur_flow, cur_cost); // intermediate values vector<COSTTYPE> dual((int)G.size(), 0), dist((int)G.size()); vector<int> prevv((int)G.size(), -1), preve((int)G.size(), -1); // dual auto dual_step = [&]() -> bool { priority_queue<pair<COSTTYPE,int>, vector<pair<COSTTYPE,int>>, greater<pair<COSTTYPE,int>>> que; que.push({0, S}); dist.assign((int)G.size(), numeric_limits<COSTTYPE>::max()); dist[S] = 0; while (!que.empty()) { auto [cur_cost, v] = que.top(); que.pop(); if (dist[v] < cur_cost) continue; for (int i = 0; i < (int)G[v].size(); ++i) { const auto &e = G[v][i]; COSTTYPE new_cost = e.cost + dual[v] - dual[e.to]; if (e.cap > 0 && dist[e.to] > dist[v] + new_cost) { dist[e.to] = dist[v] + new_cost; prevv[e.to] = v; preve[e.to] = i; que.push({dist[e.to], e.to}); } } } if (dist[T] == numeric_limits<COSTTYPE>::max()) return false; for (int v = 0; v < (int)G.size(); ++v) { if (dist[T] == numeric_limits<COSTTYPE>::max()) continue; dual[v] -= dist[T] - dist[v]; } return true; }; // primal auto primal_step = [&]() -> void { FLOWTYPE flow = limit_flow - cur_flow; COSTTYPE cost = -dual[S]; for (int v = T; v != S; v = prevv[v]) { flow = min(flow, G[prevv[v]][preve[v]].cap); } for (int v = T; v != S; v = prevv[v]) { FlowCostEdge<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE> &e = G[prevv[v]][preve[v]]; FlowCostEdge<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE> &re = G.get_rev_edge(e); e.cap -= flow, e.flow += flow; re.cap += flow, re.flow -= flow; } cur_flow += flow; cur_cost += flow * cost; if (pre_cost == cost) res.pop_back(); res.emplace_back(cur_flow, cur_cost); pre_cost = cur_cost; }; // primal-dual while (cur_flow < limit_flow) { if (!dual_step()) break; primal_step(); } return res; } // min-cost max-flow, slope ver. template<class FLOWTYPE, class COSTTYPE> vector<pair<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE>> MinCostFlowSlope(FlowCostGraph<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE> &G, int S, int T) { return MinCostFlowSlope(G, S, T, numeric_limits<FLOWTYPE>::max()); } // min-cost max-flow (<= limit_flow) template<class FLOWTYPE, class COSTTYPE> pair<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE> MinCostFlow(FlowCostGraph<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE> &G, int S, int T, FLOWTYPE limit_flow) { return MinCostFlowSlope(G, S, T, limit_flow).back(); } // min-cost max-flow (<= limit_flow) template<class FLOWTYPE, class COSTTYPE> pair<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE> MinCostFlow(FlowCostGraph<FLOWTYPE, COSTTYPE> &G, int S, int T) { return MinCostFlow(G, S, T, numeric_limits<FLOWTYPE>::max()); } int main() { int V, E, F; cin >> V >> E >> F; FlowCostGraph<int, int> G(V); for (int i = 0; i < E; ++i) { int u, v, cap, cost; cin >> u >> v >> cap >> cost; G.add_edge(u, v, cap, cost); } int s = 0, t = V-1; auto [max_flow, min_cost] = MinCostFlow(G, s, t, F); cout << (max_flow == F ? min_cost : -1) << endl; }